Lord’s Supper/Remembrance Meeting (Sun, 9:15-10:25 AM)
Our first service each Sunday morning is unique. In it our objective is to remember what our Lord Jesus Christ accomplished for us through His perfect life, crucifixion, and resurrection and subsequently to give glory to God for who He is and what He has done for us through our Savior. This is our primary time of worship together.
Rather than following a preset agenda, this service is spontaneous. Men in our congregation, as they feel directed by the Holy Spirit, lead us in worship by selecting an appropriate hymn or chorus to be sung, offering a prayer of praise or thanksgiving, or reading an appropriate passage of Scripture, perhaps with comments about that passage or a previous hymn. The culmination of our time of worship is the passing and partaking of the bread and the cup, symbolic of our Lord’s body and blood which He willingly sacrificed that all who are genuine believers might enjoy the forgiveness of our sins and God’s gift of eternal life.
The nursery is not staffed during this service as families are encouraged to worship the Lord together. However, a viewing room at the back of the sanctuary is available for parents to take small children as needed. At the conclusion of this time of worship, a free-will offering is collected. A fellowship and refreshment break precedes the next service.
Worship, Missions Update and Teaching (Sun, 11:00-Noon)
The second of our two Sunday morning services is one that many would find more familiar. It involves worshiping together in song for about 15 minutes with a mix of traditional hymns and contemporary choruses. A few minutes are allocated for a timely update on the ministry of one of the missionaries we financially support and pray for regularly. The remainder of the service is devoted to the preaching of God’s Word.
A distinctive aspect of this meeting is that we enlist a variety of men to preach, many of whom are from our own congregation. These men have previously demonstrated a strong relationship with the Lord and a mature understanding of the Scriptures.
After the missionary update is given, younger children exit to their Sunday school classes. A nursery is staffed throughout the entire service.
Mid-week Missions Focus, Prayer and Bible Study (Tue, 7:00-8:30 PM)
We have always allocated a large part of our budget to the financial support of our missionaries. In keeping with that commitment, we also support them by sharing their regular communications with us and praying for God’s guidance and blessing of them and their work.
We begin this service with a few hymns. After that, we share excerpts from several of the letters or e-mails that we have recently received from our missionaries. In addition, current prayer concerns within our church fellowship are presented. Breaking into smaller groups, we pray for these concerns. We then reassemble for a half-hour Bible study, typically studying through books of the Bible.