We Believe:

  • The Bible is the inspired Word of God and is His only written revelation.
  • There is only one God, and He exists eternally in three persons: God the Father, God the Son (the Lord Jesus Christ), and God the Holy Spirit.
  • God created all that is by His omnipotent power and wisdom.
  • Jesus Christ was miraculously born of the virgin Mary and was without sin, yet He suffered and died on a cross. He was buried and was resurrected from the dead and ascended to Heaven by the power of God.
  • Sin separates every person from God. Trust and rest in the sacrificial and substitutionary death of the Lord Jesus Christ for one’s sin is the only path to the forgiveness of sin and to salvation.
  • The universal church is the Body of Christ on earth, and consists of every person who has put his or her trust solely in Jesus Christ for salvation. The Lord Jesus Christ is the Cornerstone and Head of the church, and He designed it without distinction between clergy and laity.
  • The Lord Jesus Christ will return for His church, and we will then be united with Him forever. All those who have not placed their trust in Him will eternally endure His judgement and separation from Him. This motivates us to share the good news of God’s desire to save through both local witness and the support of Missionary service.

What & Who We Are:

  • Rice Lake Bible Chapel is an autonomous fellowship of believers responsible directly to Jesus Christ who is the Head of the universal church.
  • We are non-denominational in that we seek not to be divided from any other individual who has put their trust in the Lord Jesus Christ and seeks to honor Him.
  • We are led by elders who seek to shepherd, guard and teach this fellowship of believers. Elders must meet the qualifications and perform the responsibilities for elders listed in the New Testament.
  • We see the purpose of the local church as instructing, encouraging, and motivating believers to imitate the Lord Jesus Christ and live in obedience to Him and to the Bible’s guidance. It also has the purpose of caring for the physical and emotional needs of those in fellowship.
  • Prior to relocating to this site, this fellowship was known as Plymouth Bible Chapel and met for 44 years in the city of Plymouth, MN. We welcome visitors to meet us!

If you would appreciate a more complete text regarding doctrine and beliefs we hold as true (with Bible references), please click on the full Doctrinal Statement below.